Tuesday, September 15, 2009

12:56am 16thSep

ohwell, had a long day at work & pub .

and time to go sleep i guess.


happy birthday angeline CHIOBU !

i know you'll see this .

been there, done that

and for the intended ones:

time to stand up and walk another rocky path,

and always remember, to not look back anymore,

no matter how hard it is to not even look back.

time heals everything,

meanwhile just continue walking,

remember the fall, and remember the pain,

one day someone will understand your pain.

whereas for the one that avoids the path and choose the mountain route,

one shall suffer more,

but will soon grow strong,

since its no longer a similar path,

just walk the one you chose and wish each other the best.

for the two that picked different ways,

things that are lost won't come back again,

its up to you to find the new things while on your way,

and it will never be the same again,

just pray the things that you might find on the way be better than what you used to have,

if you believe

and there might be a small chance,

you will recover the things you lost again.

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